How I heard my universal message this week…

My blog this week is a bit different as I’m going to talk about films! Now I’m no movie critic and some of the finer points of script or acting might have passed me by, but the movies in question really touched me. I’ll tell you why! I read recently that the universe’s ‘message’ can […]
Five reasons why YOU should join my team and become a Tropic Ambassador.

I was originally drawn to Tropic because of the fantastic 100% natural, cruelty free skincare products which in themselves have been part of my healing journey. I tried them out and I loved them, and this was the start of something really special for me. Little did I did I know when I started that […]
It’s never too late to make a positive change!

People sometimes ask me, what is Love Within exactly? I’ll explain and connect it back to the idea of making positive change, bear with me! I’m 40 years old, and over many years I’ve had my own struggles to deal with, like we all have! For me, this has included infertility and a hereditary ‘invisible’ […]
It’s January! Try Reiki Free…
Hi everyone! It’s January and at this time of year we’re all making plans for the future. I’m going to ask something of all of you all in 2019. I’m going to set you a challenge and I’m also going to give you something too… Firstly, my request; make time for you. Self care is […]